Welcome:MEIQI Potassium Fluoroaluminate,Sodium Fluoroaluminate...
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Fluoride potassium aluminate is widely used in grinding wheel grinding tools.

It is a variation of the mixture, the grinding wheel fluoaluminate abrasive, made up of potassium hexafluoroaluminate and potassium tetrafluoroaluminate (AlF6K3 and alf4.k), and the potassium fluoroaluminate in the Chinese city is mainly the latter.
When aluminum fluoride reaches 45mol%, eutectic is formed.
After we introduced fluorine potassium aluminate why there are two CAS number, actually AlF6K3 and AlF4 K is a substance that when in the process of production of aluminium fluoride reaches a certain limit when their eutectic can form, the eutectic is unable to avoid.
Their appearance and use are the same, and you don't have to mind the specific difference in the process.

Due to the characteristics of potassium fluoaluminate products, it is widely used in grinding wheel grinding tools.

Fluoride potassium aluminate is widely used in grinding wheel grinding tools.